1st lesson we looked at body morphing i desided to look at corset an thw way they are made to change to size and the apirece of the body.People who were corsets are trying to chage the look of there body because corsets pull you in an push every thing up to give the inprestion of the wait being smaller i resrched 3 diffrent designers
- alexandre macqueen
- nevel brody
- marsha
on my own bodis that i am going to make. I done a 1 test pice of embrodery an done diffrent stiching .
I done a soewing machine sample aswell.
2nd second lesson i done some more reserch and got a few corset an bodis designs.
I picked a simple bodis patten cut it out then i cut my fabric ready to put it all together.
I done 3 diffrent pattens to print on to my bodis an then i picked one of them i realt like the idean of keeping nature in my design i desided that i wanted to use lace because i think it is realy afectve an i also like the patten on lace its all diffrent.
3rd lesson i got books out of the libery on embrody an took some pattens out of there that i realy liked an put them in to my book.
I found lace that i liked an started to think more about what i was going to do with my bodis i kept reserching as i was going along.I done my design an put it on to asatate for it to be tranfered on to a printing sreen so that i could print on yo my bodis.
i drew up a qick scetch at first then i done a series of brain storms to see what my own ideas were and then i picked what i liked best an then i drew up a final design for what i wanted to create.
4th lesson. I started to think about my design sheets an printed my own design on to the sheets.
I fitted my bodis design on to a manakin an sowed it all together on a soweing machine .I printed my patten on to my bodis an left it to dry.I hand stiched 30 eyelits to tred my lace though the back of my bodis.
I hand embrodered over my printed patten on my bodis to make it stand out more.
5th lesson I finished soweing my bodis together an sowed my lace on as well i sowed it up an over the sholder i picked a hart shape bodis because i thought that would be the best shape for my design.
I finesed of my design sheets i done some drwelings of how my bodis could be used in diffrent types of garments.